Sunday, November 05, 2006

Anniversary in Tombstone

It is strange that people born in Arizona never seem to make it to the well known places in their own state. I don't know how many Zonis I've spoken to who have never been to the Grand Canyon, but it's a lot. Well now I can say, "Sure, I've been to Tombstone." We even stayed in the Bordello and got a complimentary rubber inside what looks like a pack of matches. On the "pack" it reads, "Tombstone Bordello- Where the customer always comes first."

We took the Nomad and the weather was perfect, mid seventies. The sky was so clear that, as usual, the visibility was over 60 miles. Traffic was light and bikes were everywhere. There were even border patrol agents in plain view and what looked like "the mother ship" hanging in the sky. Very strange sight.

The town was much better than I thought it would be. There is enough to see and do that we plan to come back. The people were great, in fact, the families who own the Bordello also have a western theme place in England that they share time running with the other couple. As soon as I heard Rusty speak I knew he wasn't from around here. Pretty savy, huh?

We also did a little side trip to Bisbee and took a few pictures. The Copper Queen is a very nice hotel that has become a tourist attraction and was on "Ghost Hunters", a SciFi channel series, last month.