Saturday, October 20, 2007

Grand Canyon by Nomad and Foot

It was a perfect day for a hike and a ride so I did both. It took the usual three and a half hours to ride up, four and a half to hike in and out of Indian Gardens and another three and a half to get back home. A full day and was it beautiful! I even met a couple from Massachusetts with more than familiar names, Jay and Sheila. Those are my eldest son's and his wife's names. The worst part was driving back into Phoenix through construction in the dark. It was a long day but it worked out well.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Route 66

Remember the movie Cars? We had a chance to step back in time to visit some of the towns abandoned because of I-40 displacing Route 66 in Arizona. It was strange to see things that I remember growing up with but have not thought of in a long while. See if you can spot some of them in the pictures. If not, maybe you aren't quite old enough. That's not a bad thing, mind you!

The little "town" of Hackberry had a store and garage crammed with memorabilia. You literally could not turn anywhere and not be overwhelmed with the nostalgia of it all. The garage in back could not be photographed in even a dozen pictures but here is one.
We saw several tour buses and one of them stopped in Seligman on Route 66. Two nice Australian women were so taken with the Nomad that they asked to be photographed with it. I'm sure that the one sitting on the bike would have jumped at a chance to ditch the bus.

There were several stretches of road with a series of signs like the old Burma Shave ads.
It's too fast (and small) to read but it says: He Tried To Cross, As Fast Train Neared, Death Didn't Draft Him, He Volunteered, Burma Shave.