Monday, November 19, 2007

Dancing With One Leg

Thanksgiving is a time for introspection, evaluation, and settling on someone to thank. Vicki and I went to dinner with some friends last night and the conversation touched on why all of us hadn't been going to church lately.

It just so happened that I had been thinking about the hypocrisy issue the day before and it occurred to me that if I had to trust someone with something important I would pick a person who tried but sometimes failed (because they believed there was something called "right") not a person who didn't believe in right and wrong. I would choose the hypocrite. I know what you're thinking, but there are worse sins than hypocrisy. Give me a person with a weakness over one with no conscience.

I occasionally ask my students (I teach 5th grade) about things related to the Bible when we are discussing U.S. history, in particular, but they don't know much about it. If not "endowed by our Creator," then what is the modern yardstick? The latest public opinion poll, I guess. "Thou shalt not .... " is the bedrock of our civilization, beyond that is the whim of the moment.

In that job I get to see first-hand the effects of what used to be aberrant behavior, shacking up, drug use, lack of discipline, illiteracy, and much more. We are told over and over that these lifestyle choices are the new "normal". We can "beat the odds", but I don't think so. A person can dance with one leg but .... and there it is. We are attempting to balance on air.

Christian schools still exist in the United States and we are still free to attend a church of our choice. Imperfect people still have the opportunity to believe in and pursue what is right. Thank God because "without a vision the people perish".

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Along Came a Spyder

I had a chance to try out the Can-Am Spyder the other day at the motorcycle show here in Glendale. It had plenty of acceleration and was fun in it's own way but I just like the feel of a motorcycle better.
At high speed (106mph is top) the steering response is almost frightening. It feels a lot like a quad. There is no counter-steering like a cycle so it goes the way you point it ..... very quickly. In fact I felt like I had to lean into the turn to keep from being thrown off. Well, I was taking corners kind of hard. Fun, but not my choice.