Saturday, April 12, 2008

Hearts to Heros

Barry said that it would be his last one. I didn't ask him why, possibly that it is a huge job, but it was good. The turn-out was large, as usual, and the servicemen were very appreciative.

We had the use of Christ Church of the Valley, Sheriff Joe's posse out directing traffic, a band called High and Tight (that was good) and a stage at WestGate. The proceeds went to several support organizations, Operation Homefront, Packages From Home, and Freedom is Not Free.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

A Ride a Hike and Fellowship

Great way to spend a Sunday morning.

After the Bible study on Saturday night someone came up with the idea of getting together at 7:00 Sunday morning to hike in the White Tanks. Everyone in our new "church" (we don't really know what to call it) lives on the far west side of Phoenix, actually Surprise or El Mirage, so for me, getting together involves packing a lunch. Luckily, that was the plan. Well, breakfast not lunch.

We hiked the Waterfall Trail and spotted some hieroglyphs then got together for breakfast at a cabana near the trailhead. The kids went on the hike and played on some great playground equipment right next to the cabana.

Next week it will be on my side of the city, North Mountain. The plan is to work up to a trip down the Bright Angel Trail in the Grand Canyon for lunch at Indian Gardens. Sounds good to me.