Saturday, May 30, 2009

If this was a movie I’d turn it off and go for a ride

Unfortunately it’s real life and each scene is worse than the one before. It’s like watching those old I Love Lucy shows where the madcap redhead makes things worse as she stumbles and lies through what should be fairly simple problems. Remember the one where she gets behind on the assembly line and the cakes keep falling off the conveyor belt? That’s what we have running this country.

Obama keeps “fixing” stuff and no one seems to notice that they aren’t fixed or even better than they were. On to the next problem. We have the stimulus that doesn’t stimulate, the Government Motors debacle, run-away global warming that isn’t (but still needs fixing), Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, North Korea, Israel, Syria, Palestine, Guantanamo, a zillion-dollar “good” deficit, and we haven’t even gotten to the Supreme Court, healthcare, social security, Medicaid, and illegal immigration. But don’t worry, Barry and the bunch have it all under control.


God, I miss Carter. At least when you pointed out that it wasn’t working you weren’t a RACIST! too.