Tuesday, January 19, 2010


If this plays out like I think it might get ready for a stock market revival and a turn around in business attitude. It isn’t because of hope that Big O brings but hope that he and the dims can be shut down.

Monday, January 18, 2010

And now it begins

Never in my wildest dreams did it occur to me that a Republican could be elected or even come close to winning the “Kennedy seat”. But it may happen. Regardless of the outcome but especially if the Democrats don’t back off, November will be the reddest election in history. Apparently it isn’t just those of us who are conservatives that are incensed by what is going on, the whole country is. Even Massachusetts!

I don’t know if Obama and the leftist in Congress really understand. This is serious. I honestly don’t know what could happen if they persist in jamming this stuff through against the wishes of the people.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The dirty work

It’s tedious writing about this but I do it for myself, just to look back and see how well I call it. The dims have just taken the unions off the hook on the so-called heath care bill that they alone are ramming through. When they lose their jobs in November it will be left to those evil Republicans to try and take away all those great impossible benefits that the Democrats have provided by stealing from the rest of us. If it isn’t done we will forever be harassed about everything in life that can somehow  be connected to our health. You know, whether we should be allowed to ride motorcycles, drink coffee, own a gun, have a fireplace, smoke, drink, how much mandatory exercise should be required, how many children we can have, and on and on. Predicting this stuff is so easy.

Friday, January 08, 2010

Holding back

It is fear and holding back that keeps a recovery from happening. The Democrats are totally to blame. They control all three branches of government; in fact, they have controlled the House and the Senate for three years now. Bush is gone. He has been for over a year. It is the policies of the Democrats and Big O. If we didn’t have to hear about some new job trashing scheme every day and live in fear that it will be implemented no matter what the people want, businesses would be hiring instead of another month of layoffs. It is really that simple.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

So where do we go from here?

imageTo keep from the indecency of “profiling” those relatively few who may be terrorist we opt for this?  What’s next, cavity searches? How they must be laughing at us!