Thursday, June 10, 2010

Jail time for reckless endangerment and incompetence

I’m not talking about BP, although there may be some, I’m talking about our President. He and the liberals in Congress have done more damage since the 2006 elections than I have seen since Vietnam.  We need some knowledgeable adults in there not, supposedly well-spoken, pretenders. You know, people who have run something besides campaigns.

Monday, June 07, 2010

What to do with bees?

We found a swarm of bees in the parking lot this morning. With IMAG0072all the news stories about attacks by Africanized bees and kids as well as adults on the property, what should be done? I called 3 companies. The first 2 told me that they could get rid of them for from $120 - $155. The third said, “Wait 48 hours. They are probably just passing through and will leave soon.” I hadn’t thought of that but decided to give it a try.

Michele sets some chairs out around the tree with tape from chair to chair and I let everyone know about the bees.

Update: When I left this morning at 7:00 they were still here, when I got back at 9:30 they were gone. You learn something new all the time.

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Friday night at the game, Saturday morning at the lake.


On Friday Barry Young and Michelle Larson from KFYI did a special “Buycott” night at the Diamondbacks game against the Rockies, from the home of one of the great American public school systems (Denver) that said they were going to boycott us. To make it even better the D-backs won the game in the bottom of the 9th. Following the game there was a fireworks show outside the stadium.


Then after a 4 hour nap I made a run out to Bartlett while it was still cool (5:30 am). By the time I got back at about 8:00 it was 83 degrees. Summer is here, it should be over 100 today.

Update: I was reading through the list of the boycotting groups and found a general interesting thread. They are heavily Democrat, populated by hispanics/Mexicans, and/or make money from public funds dished out as a result of unchecked illegal immigration. For example: public education, government workers (here and in Mexico) and social worker/immigration lawyers. Those opposed tend to be the suckers who have to pay.