Thursday, December 14, 2006

Christmas Time

The last month has been so busy that I haven't had time to write. Not that there has been nothing new or worthy.

What can I say about the election? Have the majority of voters decided that it is time to lose in Iraq? Sure hope not, it would be a gross misunderstanding of success. Even if nothing changed for the next ten years the war has kept the terrorist tied down in the middle east, our losses have been low, progress is being made if not in Baghdad then the rest of Iraq, recruitment goals have been met and all without people who would make reluctant soldiers (draftees) being involved. Consider the alternative. Pictures on the news of some blast site in Baghdad that make some think we aren't "winning". How about a blast site in, say, downtown Manhattan. Sound familiar? Real life is not a 30 minute sit com.

Bike riding weather has been nearly perfect around here. Just a little chilly in the morning (mid 40's to 50's) to mid 70's during the day. Wish I had time to take advantage of it.

Here is a nice little video of a ride through Sedona and Flagstaff. Schnebly

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