Friday, February 23, 2007

Bumper Sticker Ideas

Before the next election we need to see some bumper stickers (or tee shirts) that clarify the issues. A few that seemed on target to me were:

not just a slogan a

or maybe,

time to pull out



There, now I feel better.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Free Choice

It is just so American to have a choice. Should I ride the Nomad today or maybe the KLR? No I haven't run the truck this week. This is great!

Today it was the Nomad and yesterday the KLR. The day before it rained so time for the truck. Tomorrow will be beautiful so the KLR and Friday it's supposed to rain so back to the Ford. Weekends are all cycles though.

I was reading Peter Egan's books, Leanings 1 and 2 (condensations of his Cycle World articles) where he describes the motorcycle riding season in Wisconsin and the anticipation felt waiting out the winter. In Phoenix there is no season but riding season. Sometimes I wonder if it's just too easy. Maybe nasty cold would make me savor a warm spring day even more. Naw, don't think so.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Crown King - 50 Miles of Dirt Road

I had to take the KLR out for a test drive. It was good, really good! I started out nice and clean but it was dusty out in the desert and muddy in the Bradshaws. Riding off-road comes back all of a sudden. By the end of the ride I was skimming along the top of the sand and gravel at over sixty mph and feeling comfortable. The KLR seemed stiff at first but it was when I was poking along. A little velocity and she rides like the Nomad on asphalt.

The road was paved for a about a mile coming off of I-17 but it was still dirt all the way into Crown King. I wish I knew the ratio of paved road to dirt road in Arizona because it has to be a very small number.

Cleator was still barely inhabited but downtown Crown King was bustling. (Not to mention a slushy mess with melted snow) I watched one guy get some gas, before heading to the packed saloon, heck, it was only 10:30 in the morning. All the riders of those vehicles are not at the curio shop (curio shop??) but the bar next door. The view off the mountain is breathtaking as are the drop-offs should you miss a turn. The trip was 144 miles and used 2.7 gallons. That works out to over 53 mpg. The 6 gallon tank gives it a range of over 300 miles. I love this bike!