Saturday, May 12, 2007

Prescott by Way of Crown King

The old Senator Highway from Crown King to Prescott is a real piece of work. Mmmm, highway is a bit of a stretch. It is mostly a one lane extremely twisty dirt road just asking for a head-on.

When I asked a Crown King local where to find the road to Prescott he pointed back to I-17. "No, I mean the dirt road."
"Sure ya want to do that?"
"I've got a dirt bike with me."
"It's 38 miles and not wide enough for two cars to pass. People drive it way too fast."
"Yeh, that's the one."
"About a half mile up the road there's a sign."

Luckily I didn't come face to face with anyone going too fast and doubly lucky those I did meet were only on quads. A full size vehicle would have been very tight. It is passable but I sure wouldn't take the crew cab. A jeep or small SUV would do ok, but nothing larger.

It was fun . Left at 6:00, reached Crown King via back roads except the I-17 stretch between Black Canyon City and the Bumble Bee turn-off. Lunch in Prescott, and then the back way through Yarnell. Great curvy roads and cool air ..... until Congress (at the bottom of Yarnell hill). Then the blast funace all the way back to Phoenix.

Nice ride, 238 miles, 4.63 gallons, the KLR performed flawlessly.

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