Saturday, August 04, 2007

Snow Bowl by Way of Payson

This Saturday ride was a good chance to get out of the heat. A couple of guys I work with wanted to see parts of the state that they hadn't seen so the travel guide (that's me) decided on a road I hadn't been on for twenty years or so. We went through Payson, Strawberry, and Happy Jack on our way to Flagstaff. Neither had seen Oak Creek Canyon so we passed through it on our way to Sedona and took I-17 back to Phoenix.

It sounds like a fairly short trip but with all the stops for gas, food. and sore butts (not mine), it took about 11 hours. The variety of terrains and climates always amazes me, especially when I get back into the desert and ask myself why the hell I live in Phoenix instead of one of the more temperate locations in the state.

We had breakfast at the Knotty Pine in Prescott with scads of others riders, and lunch at the Snow Bowl with no other riders. With all the bikes on the road today I can't figure why NONE were up there. Well, it could have been the rain.

We rode in fairly heavy rain (without raingear) out of Flagstaff and about one-fourth of the way down Oak Creek Canyon but it was clear from Slide Rock on. The raingear was totally unnecessary because we spent the next few hours in the "drier". I immediately missed the rain when we got to Sedona. The temperature went from VERY NICE to hot and HOTTER by the time we got to Black Canyon City.

Another great ride!

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