Thursday, June 26, 2008

Just That Close

We came within one vote of losing the second ammendment. ONE VOTE!

When our founders set up this country individual rights were considered such no brainers that many people thought that certainly we shouldn't have to get it in writing. But there were some hold-outs who said that they would approve this new constitution on the condition that there would immediately be a list of guaranteed individual rights added to the document. Where would we be today if they hadn't gotten it in writing?

Our Constitution has built within it the means of creating and repealing ammendments. But those are constantly being circumvented by activist courts who take it upon themselves to create rights or attempt to take away rights out of thin air. There should be no doubt that an individual citizen has all of the rights in the first 10 ammendments. It makes no sense to see it any other way.

Four liberal judges almost took away a part of the Constitution that they pledged to defend. The President selects who is considered to sit on the Supreme Court. We can't afford another liberal on the Court.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

How Many Fun Places Can You Visit in a Day?

Vicki had not been to Chattanooga for 45 years (or so) but she remembered places she had visited way back then and had often talked about returning. Today was the day.

We drove in from Nahshville and immediately took the steepest railway in the world up Lookout Mountain. She had to close her eyes on the steep part but that was much better than the past when the "women didn't ride the train".

After that we went to Rock City, home of the swinging suspension bridge that was so frightening to her as a child. This time she crossed it twice and even made it bounce and swing. So there! The whole park was majestic except for the "Fairyland Caverns". That part was kind of frightening to me.

We grabbed some lunch at Rock City and then made a beeline to Tennessee Aquarium. We went to both parts the river and ocean. There was a sea horse exibit and way too many other creatures to even mention from butterflies to alligators.

The next stop was Ruby Falls. The falls is located in a cavern entered after a 260 feet elevator ride down through solid limestone. The falls is about 1/2 mile farther into the the cave 1100 feet below the surface. No sweat, really. It was fairly cool down there.

By the time we got out of there it was 5:30 in the afternoon and time for dinner. Cracker Barrel is always fine with me so catfish, chicken fried steak with mashed potatoes, gravy and all the other good stuff that goes with it made the ride home very relaxing. Here I sit, after a shower sipping a Margarita and typing. A very full day!

Friday, June 06, 2008

Time Off

It starts like one of those dreams where you wake up and don't know where you are. The first couple of days you need to get everything done like the chicken whose head is cut off and she's still running around in normal mode. And, like the chicken, it doesn't take long to get over that.

So, I have a huge cup of coffee, enjoy the sun come up, take a hike or a motorcycle ride, do a few chores, have lunch, do some homework (yeh us teachers are "lifelong learners" or perpetual students), listen to Rush for as long as I can stand listening to the world's insanity, read a little, take a nap, read some more or do homework, visit on the patio, make something for dinner, sip a beer while watching the sun go down, listen to some music, and go to bed with my police scanner on (it's entertaining to hear what the bad guys are up to) so I can do it all again tomorrow.

I do enjoy this slower pace.