Friday, June 06, 2008

Time Off

It starts like one of those dreams where you wake up and don't know where you are. The first couple of days you need to get everything done like the chicken whose head is cut off and she's still running around in normal mode. And, like the chicken, it doesn't take long to get over that.

So, I have a huge cup of coffee, enjoy the sun come up, take a hike or a motorcycle ride, do a few chores, have lunch, do some homework (yeh us teachers are "lifelong learners" or perpetual students), listen to Rush for as long as I can stand listening to the world's insanity, read a little, take a nap, read some more or do homework, visit on the patio, make something for dinner, sip a beer while watching the sun go down, listen to some music, and go to bed with my police scanner on (it's entertaining to hear what the bad guys are up to) so I can do it all again tomorrow.

I do enjoy this slower pace.

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