Saturday, May 31, 2008

A New Tire and Some Dirt

Last July I crashed the KLR on a washed out road to Horseshoe Lake and last month J dumped it in a sand wash a few miles away called Camp Creek. After installing a vey nice 50/50 on-off road tire, the Maxxis 6006, it was time to revisit the scenes of the crimes.

Rear wheel traction is right up there with fuel when it comes to riding in sand. When J was here I took the KLR into Camp Creek for a little spin and after warning him that there wasn't much tread (none) turned him loose to crash my bike.

Today it was like riding a new motorcycle. It actually responded when given some gas. The front tire didn't dig in because it was busy being shoved right over all that sand. Things were as they should be!


J. Curtis said...

Sounds to me like this blog post can be considered evidence of you trying to kill me.

Ric said...

I've done everything I can think of; make you ride a motorcycle, talk you into riding it cross-country in the winter no less, ask you to make videos while you ride, let you ride on a bike with obvious defeciencies, even egg you on about riding off-road. It's costing me a fortune keeping this bike in barely running condition and I may never get to collect on that damn insurance policy. I feel like Coyote trying to outfox Roadrunner.

J. Curtis said...

"I feel like Coyote trying to outfox Roadrunner."

Let that be a lesson to you.