Monday, May 05, 2008

It's Not If, It's When

When J and Sheila were visiting the other day we took the bikes out for a ride. As soon as he got on the KLR he asked if I noticed that the handlebars were bent. I told him that actually I had already straightened them. He gave me that look. When you ride off-road it’s not if you’re going to crash, just when and how bad.
He wanted to try out a sand wash and immediately laid the KLR down. Luckily parts are easy to come by and cheap. The blinker (Australian version which is slightly smaller) was $12.87 and the bolts for the foot pegs (not J’s fault, an earlier injury) including the tap and drill bit, $14.00. Ready to ride. Will there be more in the future? Yeh.


J. Curtis said...
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J. Curtis said...

not if, when right?

a girl ran a red light and bumped my front wheel this afternoon. after angrily telling her how stupid it was to run a red light and how dangerous it is to hit a motorcyclist, she cried.

Nobody hurt, nothing broken. I picked my bike up from the intersection and rode home.

I'll do another test run tomorrow AM to make sure there's no damage.

Ric said...

They say, never be the first one into the intersection.

Pisses you off when people are dangerously stupid doesn't it? I had a lady change lanes into me back when I was riding my XL250. I was almost on her hood and she didn't see me. That bike had a straight pipe and was loud too.

Glad you're ok.