Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

In some ways it's like so many other things, you never miss them till there gone. I visited the cemetery yesterday where my mom and dad's ashes are and looked at the date on the headstones. My dad, Fred Curtis, has been gone almost 4 years, but really longer because his mental faculties gave out before his body. Mom, Helen, left us two years ago the end of this month. It doesn't seem that long.

Moms are a great thing. The way it is supposed to be is that they are on your side no matter what. Well that was almost the case with Mom. The only time she was critical of me was in regards to my wife, Vicki. She ALWAYS took her side. I was always insensive and in need of repentance. She had a mission to straighten us out and she was not afraid to say what she thought. But you always knew that she was on your side. God, I miss her.

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