Sunday, September 14, 2008

Nightmare Before Christmas?

Imagine a railroad track with a tight turn and workers with too much time and paint. The story is that around 1900 some railroad workers thought it would be fun to give passengers something to think about as they sped toward a sharp curve on a deserted stretch of track.
Apparently someone must be keeping the paint fresh because it looks pretty good.
It is located about 6 and a half miles down a dirt road a mile or two past the wide spot in the road named Congress, Arizona. A mile or so before the climb into Yarnell watch for a graded dirt road called 62. If you turn left and go the 6.3 miles you still could miss it. Only the front and half of the side of the rock is painted so you will need to be looking to the right.


shell said...

Love it!!! :-)

Ric said...

Yeh, good suggestion. A person wouldn't find it by accident.