Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Big Three Oh

I was given the chore of getting Brad out of the house for the day so that Jackie and Vicki could get the actual work done. My part wasn't tough because the goal was to just have fun.

We went to breakfast at a nice outdoor cafe in Cave Creek and then to Cracker Jax, kind of a game place that caters to kids and adults. We chose the top level of the driving range so that we could appear better than we were (It probably gives your drive an extra 10 yards or so). Five irons and excellent form let us smash drives out to let's say 150 yards. (yeh). After blisters began to form we moved on to the batting range.

Sixty mph seemed about right and both of us looked like pros.

The plan was to hang out at the ballfield for a while before the last Diamondbacks game of the year so we talked stats. Believe it or not the numbers this year were very interesting. Home runs were down but stolen bases were up. There was speculation that a drop in the use of steroids may have had something to do with it.

The game was against the Rockies but both teams were out of the running so it was low stress. Winning at home on the last game is a lot of fun though, and win they did. Randy Johnson pitched and if you have ever seen him his long lanky body seems to stretch half-way to the plate. Unfortunately the win was one of those that is fun but in some way not satisfying. The relief pitcher loaded the bases and walked in the winning run. Sad.

On the way home we stopped at Dale's house and Brad got to try out his massage chair that looks like an ejection seat. It's the real deal. The thing grabs you by the arms and legs and squeezes. No kidding. By the time you finish you are sore and relaxed at the same time. Quite a machine.

When we got home Brad saw that they had decorated his office in NY Mets style. The wall was blue, there were pictures of the City and stadium and a new swivel chair. A very good day!

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