Sunday, February 01, 2009

Frog Rock

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I don’t know how many times I have gone up Yarnell Hill but today I happened to look to the left and there it was, Frog Rock. Now how could I have missed it? About 100 yards down the road on the right is The Frog Rock Cafe, could that be related?


After the big discovery it was time to kick back and have a cup of coffee in Peeple’s Valley. The trip back was just as interesting. I darn near hit a couple of donkeys on Carefree Highway. The four-legged kind. I stopped as quickly as I could to take a picture (If it had of been J the camera would have been ready) but by the time I got my camera out they were hiding somewhere in the brush. While I was waiting for them to surface I saw a couple of hunters and they told me, “They’re all over out here.” Well I’d heard that but have never actually seen any and didn’t see those ones again either. Another thing to watch out for while riding, I guess.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In western Pennsylvania, we worry about hitting deer. Not many donkeys in our parts...well, at least not the four-legged kind. Ride safe!