Friday, July 24, 2009

What is a jobless recovery?

What we are seeing is it. The stock market continues to rise, good for those who still have money in it and a job or are able to survive  on reduced hours, bad for those who don’t have a job and are cleaning out what money they have saved. But why does it happen? The economy is in a recession so sales are bad and companies lay off people. Because companies are cutting costs they are able to show a profit therefore their stock goes up.

The sad thing is that the economy could rebound quickly if the Democrats were more interested in growth policies than they are in expanding the government. If cap and trade, the healthcare reform, and energy policy (support for wind and solar but the exclusion of nuclear, coal, and oil) are shelved (in other words if Obama, Pelosi, and Reid fail) the economy will quickly turn around. If not, get ready for much worse unemployment and extended stagnation.

The bright spot is that Americans are beginning to understand the choice.

UPDATE: Here is an article that explains it well.

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