Sunday, August 16, 2009

Don’t take it personal, we just don’t trust you.

I was watching some guy at one of the recent town halls ask President O how he was planning on paying for the healthcare plans. O talked about all the savings that could be found by cleaning up the way things are done and then the last third of the money came down to increasing the taxes of those deadbeat rich guys who make over $250,000 a year. He even volunteered his piece of the pie. It sounded so … reasonable … except when you try to think of any huge government undertaking that has ever run on budget, or even close. Let’s see, we have Medicaid, Social Security, Medicare, the prescription drug benefit, the military budget, Afghanistan, Iraq, among a few off the top of my head. And then the other day O contrasted UPS and FedEx with the USPS.

"UPS and FedEx are doing just fine, right? It's the Post Office that's always having problems."

Holy cow!

You know, there are things that could be fixed with health care like portability. There is no reason that health insurance should be tied to a job, just make COBRA last indefinitely. In other words, if you have coverage in a group there is no reason that you should have to drop your insurance just because you change or lose a job. Insurance should be able to be bought across state lines. There need to be limits on lawsuits. Krauthammer has some good ideas as do others.

What has to end is the idea that healthcare is a right that the government should provide. I mean really, where will it end? gas for your car, food on your table, a table, a house, a college education, a high-paying job, a good looking wife …. I mean really, where will it end?

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