Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Crash and Burn …. we’ll see

It has been fun to watch the “believers” not knowing how to take in the hacking (or was it an inside job?) story. Their precious consensus is now shown to be what it always was, not only a lie but a con job. And then there is the absolutely disastrous data upon which global warming is based.

Last year a science teacher at our school decided to show his 8th grade classes Gore’s movie. I asked him if he was willing to show both sides. He told me there was no other side. I suggested a few videos that could be obtained on Youtube. He told me that that they weren’t “real” scientists to which I disagreed. In the end I asked him if he was just going to propagandize his students and he said that there was no other relevant view.

Hopefully that will change before we waste trillions of dollars and destroy civilization as we know it.

Friday, November 20, 2009

The S__T has finally hit the fan … just in time

CO2 never was a problem and all the machinations and deceptions exposed by these files prove that it was the greatest deception in history, but nobody is laughing. It is a very sad day for science and especially my chosen area of climate science. As I expected now it is all exposed I find there is no pleasure in “I told you so.”                 Dr. Tim Ball          Bio of Dr. Ball

The global warming farce is being exposed and it isn’t pretty!

climate depot

Read more.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Barack Insane Obama

Can't we keep this idiot here instead of sending him out to embarrass himself and this country at every turn?

It was a simple question, “And what is your understanding of the historical meaning of the A-bombing in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Do you think that it was the right decision?”

World War II casualty statistics vary greatly. Estimates of total dead range from 50 million to over 70 million.[36] The sources cited on this page document an estimated death toll in World War II of 62 to 78 million, making it the deadliest war ever. When scholarly sources differ on the number of deaths in a country, a range of war losses is given, in order to inform readers that the death toll is uncertain. Civilians killed totaled from 40 to 52 million, including 13 to 20 million from war-related disease and famine. Total military dead: from 22 to 25 million, including deaths in captivity of about 5 million prisoners of war. Wikipedia article on WW2 casualties

The war had to be ended. Japan was warned and they refused to surrender. America and the rest of the world was not interested in losing more young men to an invasion of Japan. The bombs were dropped on August 6th and 9th and the Japanese surrendered August 15th.

Second guessing what other strategies may have worked is a waste of time.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Uh oh!

Today I did one of those things that is so easy to start and so hard to finish. A nice relaxing ride up to Crown King sounded like the perfect way to spend a Sunday morning and afternoon so off I went on an easy ride planning on not spilling the coffee in the tail box of the KLR so that it would last through breakfast. And it did too.

The ride was leisurely and care was taken over the hundreds of thousands of bumps on the washboard riddled road. But at breakfast there was a group couples who had ridden up on those little 4 wheel drive golfcart like things called crawlers. They had come up the back side from Lake Pleasant. I had made that trip on a “real” dirtbike a few years ago and recall that it was a fairly nasty road so I asked if they thought it would be passable with the KLR. “Sure, no problem”.

So after a false start I found the road leading down and asked another couple on quads how the road was. She assured me that it was a little rough but passable. Ok, let’s do it.

After about 2 miles riding steeply downhill on loose shale filled with 1 foot diameter rocks bordered on one side by a steep stone wall and the other by a sharp drop-off, it became clear that I couldn’t turn back. Shit!

When I finally ran into more riders it was a group of guys on quads stuck in the bottom of a ravine that I had to enter over a piece of road that they couldn’t get up. Shit again! I turned off the engine and walked it down to the bottom where they informed me that it didn’t get better ahead where they had just come from.

I won’t bore you with the a blow by blow two and a half hour struggle to get out but let it be enough to say that I crashed 3 times and am sitting here typing this with an ice pack on my sprained right ankle. The repairs to the KLR are surprisingly moderate, only a cracked shift lever and an even more bent handlebar. I had thought of doing this trail when my eldest son, J, next comes to visit but it would be best to consider the ride to Prescott over the Old Senator Highway from Crown King. Or maybe just sitting around talking about it.

UPDATE: The shift lever was just loose, not cracked. Saved $35 on that one! And I’m not even limping anymore, just driving at an angle (the bent bars, you know).

House narrowly passes landmark health care bill

The president said Democrats have a 70-year history of creating and defending programs like Social Security and Medicare, Andrews said afterward, adding Obama had said the day's vote "is going to define the difference between the Republican and Democratic parties for decades."

Yes it will. Another bankrupt program. We’ve got the “stimulus”, socialized medicine, and now on to cap and tax.

Friday, November 06, 2009

I sure hope we make it till 2010


10.2% unemployment

But to be fair, this wouldn’t have been possible without the congress we have. Is that a hint?

Monday, November 02, 2009

Conservatism is alive and well

A true conservative today should stress construction, encouragement, moderation and understanding instead of destruction, prohibition, extremism and slogans. A conservative thinks in terms of countless minor corrections and improvements based on experience and experiment rather than in terms of a universal, uniform solution based on theory and enforced by inflexible law.

A conservative, in the best sense, sees the world and its inhabitants as an interdependent organism, comprising innumerable local communities and territories, each adapting to particular conditions. A conservative is someone who goes with the grain of humanity and the nature of the physical world, rather than trying to regiment and fashion a utopia through force of law. And, needless to say, an acceptable conservative is not one who thinks all the answers are obvious but is a modest person who admits that problems are not easily solved, that perfection is unattainable in this world and that it is often necessary to admit mistakes, change one's mind and start again.

Read the rest here.

Another great article: Obama and the liberal paradigm