Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Crash and Burn …. we’ll see

It has been fun to watch the “believers” not knowing how to take in the hacking (or was it an inside job?) story. Their precious consensus is now shown to be what it always was, not only a lie but a con job. And then there is the absolutely disastrous data upon which global warming is based.

Last year a science teacher at our school decided to show his 8th grade classes Gore’s movie. I asked him if he was willing to show both sides. He told me there was no other side. I suggested a few videos that could be obtained on Youtube. He told me that that they weren’t “real” scientists to which I disagreed. In the end I asked him if he was just going to propagandize his students and he said that there was no other relevant view.

Hopefully that will change before we waste trillions of dollars and destroy civilization as we know it.

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