Thursday, December 24, 2009

Guess what we got for Christmas

We got a down payment on yet another unfunded mandate. It’s kind of like my mom who used to always give us gloves (it’s really cold in Phoenix, ya know) except this is more like getting one glove so it can be worn like Michael Jackson. I hate standing in those return lines but this gift is worse than useless. It’s a “free” months rent after signing a lifetime lease at the Biltmore. See yall in line!

I don’t think that most people even understand that much of the cost of this thing is placed on the states. You know, those local governments that are going insolvent. Like all governments, they create nothing, so it means either cutting other services or raising taxes. But this is how the game is played, a group of politicians (usually Democrats) passes something so they can say that they are for the “little guy” and then the others (usually Republicans) gets to be the bad guys and try to take it away or defund it because it can’t be paid for. Think of it as mom with a credit card and dad with a job. Mom is loved because she is '”caring” and dad is reviled because he is a tightwad.

Maybe it will sink in when the kids find themselves living in the street.

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