Sunday, April 30, 2006

Where would you rather be and what would you rather be doing?


Ric said...

If I didn't have to do what was "necessary" I would be loading up my bags for either a road trip or a hike. The weather is warming up so it is time to hit the high country. A couple of friends want to hike the canyon and few others think that the lava tube would be perfect. Doesn't matter to me but I think I need a few more biker friends.

Ric said...

I was visiting The Belmont Club and found that Wretchard had taken a break. It was interesting to read what he does for relaxation but I think I might try it sometime ..... [it proved possible to take the vagabond road trip I had been looking forward to, the point of which is not to know any more than 30 minutes in advance where to go next. The most practical way to do that is getting dropped off in some random place and walking towards the most interesting looking terrain]