Sunday, May 07, 2006

Night Rider

Last night Vicki and I went with some friends for a motorcycle ride out to Carefree, Bartlett Lake and Scottsdale. The weather was perfect and there was a quarter moon so when we got out of town it was fairly light.

I have to say that I don't particularly feel comfortable riding two-up on curvy dark roads with blind turns and occasional gravel. We kept the speed down to between 40 and 50 mph but it was still a little unsettling when a car would appear right in the middle of a curve with blinding headlights and no clue what was ahead.

The new Chatterbox communication system I purchased worked very well. Vicki even called our granddaughter on the cell phone which can be played through the intercom. It took a little bit of adjusting to get the VOX to work right, it changes depending on the speed and wind noise but is convenient because the sensitivity knob is mounted on the left side of my helmet. Some reviews I have seen were critical of how well it worked at highway speed but even in excess of 80 mph it worked great. (We both wear helmets that block the wind, Vicki's a 3/4 with a visor and mine a flip -up which I keep closed at over 60 mph. The Nomad has a windshield that cuts down on a lot of noise at higher speeds.) The Chatterbox also has a jack to connect a sound system of darn near any kind. So while we weren't talking to each other, another bike, or answering a phone call we could listen to music on the Creative Zen or Ipod. Communication overrides the music. One of the people we were riding with said my helmet looked like a storm trooper's. Pretty cool, I guess.

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