Wednesday, May 10, 2006

What's it like to sleep all night?

Here it is 2:00 in the morning and I'm wide awake thinking about all the stuff that needs to be done. I'm not going to list anything, that would be just too depressing. It's at moments like this that the movie, Shawshank Redemtion, becomes a real inspiration.

I had dinner with some friends the other night one of which was retired. As the rest of us went on about work Virginia just glazed over and a Mona Lisa smile came over her face. When I pointed it out she said, "Yes, I really don't miss any of that stuff at all. Have you noticed how many times I have stopped by work to see you?" The answer is that I can't remember her ever stopping by. Hmmm.

I quizzed her about what a day was like now. She said that she wakes up when she wants, often not even knowing what day it is, has brunch with a few friends, get things done at a relaxed pace, and doesn't care if it doesn't get done at all. God, could I handle that! Six Saturdays and a Sunday.

A few years ago Virginia and I used to have a morning greeting, not, "How's it going?" or anything like that but in the tradition of the ancient Christian, "He is risen." followed by the reply, "He is risen indeed." It was a race to be the first to say, "Where would you rather be?" followed by the reply, "And what would you rather be doing?" At first she couldn't even imagine it because of being "institutionalized" but when her father died and left her and her family his cabin in Greer I could predict her reply. Well she has escaped Shawshank and I'm still chipping through the walls.

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