Sunday, June 11, 2006

Back in the Saddle

I decided to take a ride rather than putting in the early morning at the condos. So when 5:00 struck I dragged myself out of bed, got dressed and fired up the Nomad.

The sun hadn't yet crested the horizon and the temperature was probably about 75. I had on my light jacket that breathes and was almost cold. Incredible for Phoenix in June.

The freeway was empty. Even the backroads were deserted. Usually there are Mexicans all over the place waiting for a job. It was eerie. The place looked abandoned.

The Vulcan felt smooth and strong. It was great. By 6:30 other riders began to show up. The desert sped by and after 2 hours the air finally began to change temperature. Not uncomfortable but enough to remind me of where I was. Time to head back. There is nothing like Sunday morning and an open road.

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