Sunday, January 28, 2007

Fun With the Camera

The Phoenix police department called me in class the other day to see how it was going with my little doper neighbors. "They haven't been seen for three weeks", I told them. My class was listening in on the conversation and were in awe.

Apparently the officer approached the dad and told him what was going on and unless it was straightened out a search warrant would be issued for the premises. He painted over the gang tag on his building and put an end to the smoking, at least none of the kids has been seen since.

It looks like the Phoenix PD has some clout in the neighborhood, with the help of a person with a camera.

While I was working in my room on Friday the principal of our school stopped by and noticed that I had my cameras running on my work computer. She was amazed that I could watch the condos over the internet. The school has had a lot of problem with vandalism over the weekends so she wants to check into getting a camera or two so that she can monitor the campus from home. Can't wait to help out.

This is some fun!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Got It!

I found one for a reasonable amount (what I budgeted) in nice shape maintained by the dealership I bought it from. After driving it home 30 miles mostly by freeway, these are my impressions.
First of all, I'm too short. Just getting on it in full leathers (it was the coldest day so far in Phoenix, 28 degrees this morning and in the forties when I rode it) was a laugh. I had to have someone balance it so that I could get my leg over the seat. Once astride the vibrating monster I could see for miles and miles. Stopping at a light to make a left turn made me feel like Edith Ann in the rocker, legs just out there.
The foot controls are typical dirt bike minitures, compared to the Nomad. The brakes will stop you but feel like abs, no chance of skidding (an exaggeration). The steering is light and the grips feel thin and numbing.
At 50 to 55 mph 4th gear works but above that 5th is the ticket. It hits 70 mph at 5,000 rpm. I took it over 80 and it has no problem accelerating beyond that. 105 mph is where the red line would be but 85 seemed fast enough. There is plenty of power, no hesitation.
It will take some getting used to.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The next new toy?

One can never have too much of a good thing and in the case of motorcycles it is kind of like shoes. You don't wear your dress shoes down the Grand Canyon and hiking boots are not what is worn for a 10K. So it's time to look at a new bike, not one to replace the Nomad, one to complement it.

Off road riding is the only way to get to some places, unfortunately to get there it usually takes a road. Either the bike is transported or driven. I prefer driven. So a dual sport is the only way to go. There are very few good tested ones in my price range ..... except for the KLR650. It has been around so long that Kawasaki is planning on updating it. So now is probably the time to get one. Not the new more stylish one, the one that has all the bugs worked out and the reputation for being bullet proof.
It is referred to as the poor man's Dakar. Besides the standard 6 gallon gas tank and 9 inches of suspension travel there are a lot of accessories to make it perfect for backcountry touring. On top of that it can be picked up new for about $5,000 or used in great shape for around $3,000. So I'm starting the search.