Sunday, January 14, 2007

Got It!

I found one for a reasonable amount (what I budgeted) in nice shape maintained by the dealership I bought it from. After driving it home 30 miles mostly by freeway, these are my impressions.
First of all, I'm too short. Just getting on it in full leathers (it was the coldest day so far in Phoenix, 28 degrees this morning and in the forties when I rode it) was a laugh. I had to have someone balance it so that I could get my leg over the seat. Once astride the vibrating monster I could see for miles and miles. Stopping at a light to make a left turn made me feel like Edith Ann in the rocker, legs just out there.
The foot controls are typical dirt bike minitures, compared to the Nomad. The brakes will stop you but feel like abs, no chance of skidding (an exaggeration). The steering is light and the grips feel thin and numbing.
At 50 to 55 mph 4th gear works but above that 5th is the ticket. It hits 70 mph at 5,000 rpm. I took it over 80 and it has no problem accelerating beyond that. 105 mph is where the red line would be but 85 seemed fast enough. There is plenty of power, no hesitation.
It will take some getting used to.

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