Sunday, January 28, 2007

Fun With the Camera

The Phoenix police department called me in class the other day to see how it was going with my little doper neighbors. "They haven't been seen for three weeks", I told them. My class was listening in on the conversation and were in awe.

Apparently the officer approached the dad and told him what was going on and unless it was straightened out a search warrant would be issued for the premises. He painted over the gang tag on his building and put an end to the smoking, at least none of the kids has been seen since.

It looks like the Phoenix PD has some clout in the neighborhood, with the help of a person with a camera.

While I was working in my room on Friday the principal of our school stopped by and noticed that I had my cameras running on my work computer. She was amazed that I could watch the condos over the internet. The school has had a lot of problem with vandalism over the weekends so she wants to check into getting a camera or two so that she can monitor the campus from home. Can't wait to help out.

This is some fun!

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