Monday, December 31, 2007

Why Don't You Go For a Ride?

"I have some errands to run so why don't you go for a ride?" Vicki really said that, she's not a normal wife .... unless maybe her boyfriend was coming over and she had to get rid of me. Anyway it was the perfect way to end the year. I had been cooped up with some lousy cold for several days and it was clear but chilly out.

It started normally enough, north to Carefree on the KLR but then east to the Verde River and up some sand washes that meandered on and on. Next through Fountain Hills, northwest on 87 to the Saguaro Lake turn off, around the lake and along the river to Usury Pass, Brown Road, and the Apache Trail past Canyon Lake (which was nearly dry, repairing the dam I guess), Tortilla Flat and on to the dirt road into Fish Creek Canyon. I decided to go all the way to Apache Lake but found the turn-off to the Reavis Ranch trail head. The road up the mountain was worse than I remembered but passable, then back down and on to the lake.

After a quick turn-around at the lake I took the turn left from Usury Pass on to the Red Mountain Freeway (202) and then Scottsdale Road north to Lincoln and on home by way of 7th Ave. It was as close to a perfect ride as I have had in a long time. (A little over 225 miles)

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