Sunday, January 06, 2008

What Happens in Vegas ....

My son, J, arrived Friday afternoon and got a short rest here in Phoenix before heading off to the electronics show in Las Vegas. I rode up with him in the tail of a Pacific storm that dumped a lot of rain. We experienced the rain too, along with the wind and cold. When J left Nashville it was 18 degrees so the little bit of piddly 40's out here was not quite as numbing but still uncomfortable. You see I told him that only a woose would use heated gear on the Las Vegas leg, so he didn't. No he was not a woose, but he did mention that it was cold without the electric socks. Since I didn't have those or my electric blanket I wouldn't know.

Highway 93 was pretty good and not terribly busy either, but it was definitely wet and windy. We rode in rain for at least half of the 300 miles. The stop at Hoover Dam was dry but windy and cold. While staying at the Flamingo J took a few vanity shots of me before we went out to dinner at a very nice restaurant with some of his colleagues. Some lady tried to pick me up but it didn't work out; she thought I was somebody else, and I was.
The next day when I drove back to Phoenix there was cloud cover and strong wind but hardly a drop of rain. I would have made it back in 5 hours but insisted on going the scenic route down I-15 about 30 miles past the turn-off I should have taken. Luckily the police have those turn-arounds for "Authorized Vehicles" that are also useful for tourists who don't wish to see Los Angeles. But even with the detour and accompanying swearing it only added another half-hour and allowed for some unnecessary sightseeing. Chock up another great trip.


shell said...

Hey Ric, the header looks great! :-)

Ric said...

Much cleaner than the paper scan. Thanks!