Sunday, February 24, 2008

Where has February gone?

I made an agreement with myself to at least post a couple of times a month but there hasn't been much to say. Counting down the school year and watching the political scene has been my only distraction from work but what is there to say about boredom and insanity?

Voting for a guy like McCain (well not like, but actually McCain) is boredom and it doesn't matter whether it's Clinton or Obama it's still insanity. Never have there been as over experienced and inexperienced a group with nothing to offer in the way of solutions to real (as opposed to imaginary problems) to choose from in my lifetime. Shall I drink the mineral oil or the hemlock?

But on a lighter note, the weather has been great and riding season (if perfect weather is the only thing that matters) is here! It's time to get some hiking miles under the belt, lose those extra pounds, and build up some stamina for the Canyon. Oh yeah!!!

See ya on the road or the trail.

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