Thursday, June 26, 2008

Just That Close

We came within one vote of losing the second ammendment. ONE VOTE!

When our founders set up this country individual rights were considered such no brainers that many people thought that certainly we shouldn't have to get it in writing. But there were some hold-outs who said that they would approve this new constitution on the condition that there would immediately be a list of guaranteed individual rights added to the document. Where would we be today if they hadn't gotten it in writing?

Our Constitution has built within it the means of creating and repealing ammendments. But those are constantly being circumvented by activist courts who take it upon themselves to create rights or attempt to take away rights out of thin air. There should be no doubt that an individual citizen has all of the rights in the first 10 ammendments. It makes no sense to see it any other way.

Four liberal judges almost took away a part of the Constitution that they pledged to defend. The President selects who is considered to sit on the Supreme Court. We can't afford another liberal on the Court.


J. Curtis said...

Since felons and the mentally ill are still prohibited from owning firearms it may just take a few years of social change for 'reputable' doctors to associate the need to own a firearm with being mentally ill.

Ric said...

Absolutely! In Nazi Germany and other totalitarian states being a believer in God or some particular political position was conidered a sign of mental illness.

Is fear of the government a sign of mental illness? The people who wrote our constitution feared the government.