Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Million Mile Monday

One of the guys that Vicki went to high school with sent her an email the other day about a ride that Harley sponsors. She forwarded it to me because, as most people know, any excuse to ride is a good one. We met at the Shell station by highway 87 and Shea. There were a wide variety of bikes in our little group and, for me, a chance to make new friends. It was an interesting group to ride with; they had various law enforcement backgrounds. Most were retired.

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We had a chance to get out of the valley heat and enter what always feels like a new dimension, higher altitudes, same state. The rain started just as we pulled in to the Mormon Lake Lodge. After lunch the heavy rain cleared and we headed to Flagstaff to refuel and then took the steep curvy road down Oak Creek canyon.

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Dale, Vicki’s classmate(in the orange above), said he would keep me in the loop for other rides. Sounds good, very good!

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