Saturday, June 27, 2009

Who is Barack Hussein Obama?

There is something un-American about Obama. He seems to have no heritage and no history that I can recognize. Even the American blacks used the phrase that he was not “down for the struggle”. He is Marxist (socialist), autocratic, and European;  but at the same time shows no respect for Europe. Anything cultural he sees as a “false choice” and therefore, of no importance. He is out of place in any culturally American setting and seems more aligned with Robert Mugabe than Martin Luther King, Jr. His father, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., was born in a small Kenyan town, educated at Harvard, employed in Kenya’s post colonial government, was married to three women (two Americans and one Kenyan), yet died a desolate man.

I found an article at the American Thinker that seems to fill in some of the pieces. This author is a naturalized citizen (a true African-American) from Nigeria and a member of the Ibo tribe who thinks she sees enough to connect the dots. It makes some sense to me but I would like a second or third opinion.


J. Curtis said...

Everybody needs a windmill.

Ric said...

Hey, since they're such a great idea to the smartest people in the world, maybe Big O could convince Mahmoud to switch over from those nukes.