Friday, September 11, 2009

Go Joe!

Joe Wilson said what many people were thinking. Oh, he probably voiced it at an inopportune time, or maybe not. He was just handing back what O was saying in his speech about anyone who disagrees with him.

But was Joe right about this healthcare plan covering illegals? What do you think? They get healthcare now because federal law does not permit hospitals to turn away those in need. Who pays for that? We do through higher insurance rates. Will the law change? And what happens when the next amnesty comes along and by a stroke of the pen they are citizens?

It doesn’t matter what is said or what is “in the plan” unless you have experienced the continual stream of lies from politicians, you can’t read between the lines. It will be everything the critics say and twice (maybe 3 times) as expensive. The graph below shows just those over 65. We haven’t controlled what we have now. What will be the effect of adding in the rest of the population?

File:Medicare and Medicaid GDP Chart.svg

“I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits — either now or in the future. Period.”

Forgive me, Mr. President, but you aren’t telling the truth. People are beginning to question the premise of more government being the solution.

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