Saturday, September 26, 2009

Through the Looking Glass

I think we are in the process of losing all rational thought. We have elected a man who hates the country he represents. We are expanding a government that can’t support itself. We are about to raise taxes on un and underemployed people. We are trying to save the planet from a nonexistent peril. We are going to reduce costs by increasing liability. We are prepared to exchange freedom for security and will find that we have lost both.

How does one protect himself from this insanity?


J. Curtis said...

Let me know where to donate to your campaign.

Ric said...

That truly is the problem. There is no one out there that I trust to get it right. The political class has proven that they aren't serious about addressing the real issues.

When the Republicans were in power they proved themselves to be "Democrat Lite". Now we have a group that is intent on ending the country and fellow citizens who think that they can get even more for nothing.

It is insane.