Saturday, October 03, 2009

Fall has finally arrived

One of Vicki’s high school classmates had his car in a show today over in Carefree so we stopped by to take a look. Apparently Jeff decided to upgrade his Ferrari to a Lamborghini. He opened it up for us ….. nice car. Says he takes it out once a week for 50 to 100 miles.

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There were quite a few cars I have never seen before so here are some pics.

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The orange one was a Cord and the Maroon one a who knows, but it has a chain drive.

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The best one was the prototype of the Government Motors “Public Option”. It’s the one we will all be required to choose (but if you like your present car don’t worry you can keep it if you can afford the registration). It’s somewhere between a SUV and a golf cart. The rear seats can be removed for those of you who wish you still had your pickup.

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After the show we had lunch at Harrold’s , burgers with a chaser of Moose Drool.


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