Saturday, November 14, 2009

Barack Insane Obama

Can't we keep this idiot here instead of sending him out to embarrass himself and this country at every turn?

It was a simple question, “And what is your understanding of the historical meaning of the A-bombing in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Do you think that it was the right decision?”

World War II casualty statistics vary greatly. Estimates of total dead range from 50 million to over 70 million.[36] The sources cited on this page document an estimated death toll in World War II of 62 to 78 million, making it the deadliest war ever. When scholarly sources differ on the number of deaths in a country, a range of war losses is given, in order to inform readers that the death toll is uncertain. Civilians killed totaled from 40 to 52 million, including 13 to 20 million from war-related disease and famine. Total military dead: from 22 to 25 million, including deaths in captivity of about 5 million prisoners of war. Wikipedia article on WW2 casualties

The war had to be ended. Japan was warned and they refused to surrender. America and the rest of the world was not interested in losing more young men to an invasion of Japan. The bombs were dropped on August 6th and 9th and the Japanese surrendered August 15th.

Second guessing what other strategies may have worked is a waste of time.


J. Curtis said...

I'm not sure where the problem is to be found. Looks to me like he just didn't even go into whether it was the right decision or not. I'd say that's politician sidestep 101.

Ric said...

Exactly right, he plays politics with everything. He couldn't even defend the decision of a former President by saying something innoculous like, "It put an end to a horrific war. That is why we are working to keep it from ever happening again."

By refusing to answer it begs the question or leads one to believe that he would have done it differently (quite an accomplishment for someone with absolutely no experience and little knowlege). In either case casting doubt and playing politics.