Monday, February 15, 2010

There is actually a lot of good news out there

Now that the fall of the hoax of Global Warming has become common knowledge we can let out a sigh of relief, the world isn’t overheating. Beyond that, our way of life is still ok, not perfect, but fixable without destroying civilization. We can get on with growth by shutting down big brother.

It is becoming apparent that Americans will not be sucked into the freedom robbing politics of the statists. We can solve the problems out there without a federal government making us all serfs. All that is left to do is take back that power. Support the party of “HELL NO” by voting for those with good ideas that don’t increase the size and power of the government.

Solving our economic problems is not impossible, but trying to solve them by expanding the state is. We may have to start over but thankfully we have a roadmap called the Constitution.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Americans are libertarian

I think it may have been Limbaugh who said it but it’s one of those things that everyone who lives here understands. Whether from the left or the right we all just want to be able to live our lives without the government intruding. The good news is that our Constitution sets up a form of federal government that makes it possible. Our political impasse has occurred because we have allowed that government too much say. It was never supposed to be that way.

The states were where the details could be worked out as in the differences found in Utah versus Nevada. The local populations were to decide most things which allows for more freedom. This truth is being rediscovered and is catching the imagination of a new generation, a return to our roots.

If you ever get a chance to attend a Tea Party look around. There are ideas to agree with and those to toss out but the Constitution is handed out everywhere.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

The more things stay the same

I read a lot,  usually economics and politics. What is bothering me is the consistent state of the argument. Maybe it’s just the way it is.

In real life having a job and money flowing allows you to take on debt that doesn’t seem exceptional because “things are good”. But in real life if things stop being good you can just get rid of that extra car or cancel the subscription, no big deal. In politics everything is a big deal.

We are in a situation where somewhere between 9.7 and 17% of us have lost our jobs and we can’t cancel the subscription. In fact, instead of doing what we need do, cut costs and downsize, we are told that it is the worst thing to do. Guys like Krugman say we should spend more!

Our situation should clarify why “the government” should not be getting into things that can’t, without pain, be eliminated. We currently have a group of people in power who want to not only spend more but expand the programs that make our situation worse. We can’t afford the “health care” system we have so it needs to be expanded? We can’t afford the “education system” we have so let’s make it bigger? Social Security is going bankrupt so we want people who are living in the country illegally to be included? It is a tough economic situation and small  businesses are struggling so raise taxes? We can’t afford the government we have so let’s make it larger? Two hundred miles to go and 1/4 tank of gas. If you just drive faster you can get there before it gets to empty. The nonsense goes on and on.

People say they want change. I’d like to see some.