Sunday, February 07, 2010

Americans are libertarian

I think it may have been Limbaugh who said it but it’s one of those things that everyone who lives here understands. Whether from the left or the right we all just want to be able to live our lives without the government intruding. The good news is that our Constitution sets up a form of federal government that makes it possible. Our political impasse has occurred because we have allowed that government too much say. It was never supposed to be that way.

The states were where the details could be worked out as in the differences found in Utah versus Nevada. The local populations were to decide most things which allows for more freedom. This truth is being rediscovered and is catching the imagination of a new generation, a return to our roots.

If you ever get a chance to attend a Tea Party look around. There are ideas to agree with and those to toss out but the Constitution is handed out everywhere.

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