Monday, February 15, 2010

There is actually a lot of good news out there

Now that the fall of the hoax of Global Warming has become common knowledge we can let out a sigh of relief, the world isn’t overheating. Beyond that, our way of life is still ok, not perfect, but fixable without destroying civilization. We can get on with growth by shutting down big brother.

It is becoming apparent that Americans will not be sucked into the freedom robbing politics of the statists. We can solve the problems out there without a federal government making us all serfs. All that is left to do is take back that power. Support the party of “HELL NO” by voting for those with good ideas that don’t increase the size and power of the government.

Solving our economic problems is not impossible, but trying to solve them by expanding the state is. We may have to start over but thankfully we have a roadmap called the Constitution.

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