Friday, April 23, 2010

So now it’s illegal to be in Arizona illegally?

If only the federal government got it. Since when does it fall on a state to guard the integrity of our national borders?

Well the next step will be Obama and the Democrat Congress ramming through an immigration bill that will make everyone now here legal. Just more of the same.



A Casa Grande police officer talks with two Pinal County Sheriff deputies while watching an area of desert near I-8 where a Pinal County deputy was shot Friday, April 30 2010.

UPDATE: This just gets better and better. On Friday, April 30, the day before the big “immigration” rallies across the nation, a Arizona deputy was shot by Mexican drug smugglers in the desert just 50 miles south of Phoenix. SWAT teams were sent in along with “more than a hundred” police officers, helicopters were shot at by five “undocumented” individuals. You Libs,  please boycott those racists in Arizona, as the facts come out I want you to make even more complete asses of yourselves.

armed smuggler

Above is a picture from the American Border Patrol that shows a smuggler armed with what looks like a Mac-10 machine pistol at his waist. They take these pictures with hidden motion activated cameras along known smuggling routes.

UPDATE 2: It seems that there have been 17 people captured, 3 of them meeting the description of the drug smugglers (shooters). No doubt they are all just good American citizens camping out there in a smuggling corridor. Al Sharpton ought to get right down here to make sure their civil rights are not abused. I suggest he take a La Raza representative since I suspect he’ll need a translator.

Friday, April 16, 2010

It’s not my problem … but others want it to be

I got into a discussion with a teacher friend about why us conservatives are so mean. We allegedly don’t care about others and are shirking our civic responsibility to take care of those less fortunate. To which I responded that it isn’t my problem. I asked why it was my responsibility to raise someone else’s kids. She then asked if I would just let them starve. I said, “Sure”. OMG, that did it! She said that the kids weren’t to blame to which I replied that she was correct, it was the parent’s fault.

I also said that it wasn’t my responsibility to buy them a car or a house. What I didn’t ask was why it was a stranger (me) who was somehow to blame? Why is it “civic duty” to steal by force of law from one family to give to another? If I choose to donate that is my decision but charity at gunpoint is robbery.

Further thoughts: She kept saying that it would lead to a “police state” with extreme solutions like the sterilization of deadbeat parents. A simpler solution would be to remove the incentive for freeloaders having kids. If a parent cannot take care of their children, instead of government subsidization of loser parents, the kids should be adopted out, not put in state supported foster homes, legally adopted into a functioning family. There are thousands of couples paying huge sums of money and even going out of the country to adopt. Why not let them adopt Americans? For a fraction of the cost, which the new parents would pay, much of the problem could be solved..

Friday, April 02, 2010

So they infiltrate hit men … don’t you just love it

That rancher in southern Arizona was probably killed by a cartel sniper or hit man. Here we are how many years later with 10 – 20 million illegals and their kids living here drugs, poverty, and violence flowing across our borders and now some POS politician says we need to do something.  As if this hasn’t been a festering sore for many years. Enforce the damn laws even if it means stationing the Army down there!!

Oh, I forgot, these are our future Obama supporters so we must make them citizens to continue our march to third world status. Silly me.

Update: Minuteman Civil Defense Corps cancels muster, announces dissolution I’m not sure what to make of this because it sounds like some individuals may want to take care of what the government won’t and some don’t want their name involved. But it seems a little ominous.