Friday, April 16, 2010

It’s not my problem … but others want it to be

I got into a discussion with a teacher friend about why us conservatives are so mean. We allegedly don’t care about others and are shirking our civic responsibility to take care of those less fortunate. To which I responded that it isn’t my problem. I asked why it was my responsibility to raise someone else’s kids. She then asked if I would just let them starve. I said, “Sure”. OMG, that did it! She said that the kids weren’t to blame to which I replied that she was correct, it was the parent’s fault.

I also said that it wasn’t my responsibility to buy them a car or a house. What I didn’t ask was why it was a stranger (me) who was somehow to blame? Why is it “civic duty” to steal by force of law from one family to give to another? If I choose to donate that is my decision but charity at gunpoint is robbery.

Further thoughts: She kept saying that it would lead to a “police state” with extreme solutions like the sterilization of deadbeat parents. A simpler solution would be to remove the incentive for freeloaders having kids. If a parent cannot take care of their children, instead of government subsidization of loser parents, the kids should be adopted out, not put in state supported foster homes, legally adopted into a functioning family. There are thousands of couples paying huge sums of money and even going out of the country to adopt. Why not let them adopt Americans? For a fraction of the cost, which the new parents would pay, much of the problem could be solved..

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