Friday, April 02, 2010

So they infiltrate hit men … don’t you just love it

That rancher in southern Arizona was probably killed by a cartel sniper or hit man. Here we are how many years later with 10 – 20 million illegals and their kids living here drugs, poverty, and violence flowing across our borders and now some POS politician says we need to do something.  As if this hasn’t been a festering sore for many years. Enforce the damn laws even if it means stationing the Army down there!!

Oh, I forgot, these are our future Obama supporters so we must make them citizens to continue our march to third world status. Silly me.

Update: Minuteman Civil Defense Corps cancels muster, announces dissolution I’m not sure what to make of this because it sounds like some individuals may want to take care of what the government won’t and some don’t want their name involved. But it seems a little ominous.

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