Sunday, March 04, 2007

Out With the Guys

Bob gave me a call the other day asking if I wanted to take a ride Sunday morning. The conversation went like this:

"Well yeah! So where are we going?"
"Let's meet at the Chevron station at 43rd Avenue and Union Hills at 9:00."
"But where are we going?"
"I don't know, we'll figure that out when we get there.

Bob had his ST1100, me the Nomad, Jim (Jimbo?) another Nomad, and Mike and his ST1300. The conversation continued at the station:

"Where're we going?
"I'm hungry, let's get something to eat."
"Ok, how about that Country Kitchen in Wickenburg?"
"Sounds good."

After breakfast (about noon):

"Let's go up Yarnell hill and over to Prescott."

Sitting at a gas station in Peeples Valley (just past Yarnell about 1:30).

"Hey how long we going to sit here jawing? I told Vicki I would be back by 3:00."
"Well I don't think you'll make it."
"Maybe if you go back the way we came ... if you really fly..."
"See you guys, got to go!!"

I pulled in the driveway at 2:58. Vicki asked if I went over the speed limit. No way!

Why in the world did I say I'd be back at 3:00 and let her plan a barbeque?

By the way, you have got to see the movie Wild Hogs. Very funny! Cycle Rides put on a ride to see it opening day and over 600 riders showed up.

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