Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Coming Obamination of America

There are basic differences in this country that some can’t fathom. Why would we pass legislation that can’t be paid for? Half of the country believes that the government should be a husband to the widow (or divorced), father to the fatherless (or parentless), protector of the weak (or lazy), a provider for the poor (or a least less wealthy), teacher, doctor, retirement advisor, realtor, and underwriter of last resort. The other half doesn’t want these things and doesn’t want to pay for them. It is a case of having to live with an oniomaniac. But that’s who is running the place. They have the family credit card and the ability to print money.

The plan is to steal (by taxation and devaluation) the wealth of those who have carefully attempted to create it and redistribute it to others. Consider that the “solution” to the foreclosure crisis is to decrease the principal and interest rates of those being foreclosed on (usually with little wealth of their own at risk). They will be handed the advantages of those who have sacrificed and invested their own money (lower payments due to less owed). The message is clear, “Be as irresponsible as you want; there is no advantage to saving or planning.” Worse than that, I predict Obama won’t address the cause of this whole thing, the housing meltdown, except to blame it on Republicans. The guys in charge will still be there.

The bailout of American car companies is a prime example of the differences. Why should tax money be used to pay off a bad agreement by a private company and a union? The message again is clear, “If there are enough people (constituents) involved those who are trying to be responsible (non-constituents) will be forced to pay the bill.”

To make things even worse Obama and those supporting him in the middle of a financial downturn want to waste money on the fraud of global warming. They refuse to consider solutions to our energy needs that even have a chance of success (nuclear, clean coal, domestic oil production) and insist on throwing money away, or worse, increasing the cost of energy to all Americans by denying access to cheap energy. They promise mythical “green” jobs in exchange for real ones.

I predict that it won’t take until 2010 for the lapse in judgment to become apparent to a majority of Americans because these wastes of money won’t work. But I have been wrong before about the wishful thinking and depth of ignorance out there involving basic economics.

BTW I was discussing AGW with my science teacher friend and he is becoming pursuaded that it is not true. But, he argued, changing over to alternative energy could be a good result of it anyway. Manipulation of people by fear based on lies is not, in my opinion, the right way to make decisions. It will ultimately destroy trust and that is what holds this whole thing together.

America is divided into two parties: a stupid party and an evil party. When they both act stupid and evil, that’s called bipartisanship.”—- Author and public speaker Dinesh D’Souza from Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, when his elderly mother asked him to explain bipartisanship to her.

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