Friday, December 26, 2008

Some New Gear and Interesting People

The leather jacket I have been using is nice to look at but leaks a little too much air and is heavy so I looked around for something warm, air tight, water proof, armored, and light. had just the ticket so for Christmas Vicki got me one. I gave it a good workout this morning and it was pretty darn good.

It wasn't raining but it was cold and overcast, probably near freezing with windchill. The balaclava helped around the neck and face and wearing my leather pants made it quite comfortable.

While on the ride to Bartlett Lake I met a couple of guys, one on an '85 Goldwing and the other in a SUV. We may have been the only ones out there. The guy with the Wing bought it used with 25K miles on it for $2,900 and uses it for long hauls and his Guzzi for commuting to work. The Guzzi has over 100K on it but he finds it annoyingly loud on the road. The guy in the SUV is recovering from a motorcycle wreck he had in November. He was on a Road Star when a Passat (he said, "piss ant") turned left in front of him doing about 45. His bike was totalled as was the car. Luckily he had at the last minute (because it was getting cold) decided to put on all of his gear. Even though he was wearing a full-face flip up helmet he still broke his nose in 3 places (I didn't even know that was possible) and damaged his 4 lower teeth enough so that they will have to be removed. He broke a wrist, dislocated his hip but only suffered a little road rash due to the car tearing his jacket as he flew over it. He planted his helmet in the windshield of the car and according to witnesses did 3 flips after clearing the car. Lucky guy!

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